During 1971 a Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron of the Strategic Reserve has been committed to Northern Ireland. 216 Parachute, 19 Airportable and 5 Airportable Brigades have all taken their turn. 3 Infantry Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron has now been formed for permanent employment in Lurgan thereby releasing the Strategic Reserve Squadrons to do their proper task. The Squadron organisation has been based on that of 8 Brigade.
3 Brigade previously existed from 1886 until it was disbanded in 1962 but compiling historical details is proving to be a difficult task. If any one can help our present address is Horseshoe Barracks, Shoeburyness. After mid-February, 1972, it will be B.F.P.O. 801.
Poetic roll call
We bring you all good tiding of a Squadron newly made, the OC’s name is Ryding and it is 3 Brigade.
During 1971 a Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron of the Strategic Reserve has been committed to Northern Ireland. 216 Parachute, 19 Airportable and 5 Airportable Brigades have all taken their turn. 3 Infantry Brigade Headquarters and Signal Squadron has now been formed for permanent employment in Lurgan thereby releasing the Strategic Reserve Squadrons to do their proper task. The Squadron organisation has been based on that of 8 Brigade.
3 Brigade previously existed from 1886 until it was disbanded in 1962 but compiling historical details is proving to be a difficult task. If any one can help our present address is Horseshoe Barracks, Shoeburyness. After mid-February, 1972, it will be B.F.P.O. 801.
Poetic roll call
We bring you all good tiding of a Squadron newly made, the OC’s name is Ryding and it is 3 Brigade.
We started off at Bulford and then to Shoeburyness, and here we’re never bored with training in IS.
From that you’ll understand the reason for our forming. We’re all of to Ireland before next spring is dawning.
It may not be the best place but used to it we’re growing, so watch each month this space and we’ll tell you how it is going.
And now to tell you more of the names of those who’re here at least those from the Corps, who some of you hold dear.
The RSM is Thornton he came to us from 8, the Foreman’s name is Jackson, and then there’s Sergeant Tate.
And don’t forget Staff Wilkinson who is Chief Clerk by trade, and also Sergeant Hamiliton and OC ‘B’ Staff Wade.
There is Lieutenant Galpin who’s OC ‘Alpha’ Troop, and Sergeant Major Walton who runs the MT Group.
The end is getting closer, the RQ’s name is Waugh and then there is Staff Foster which leaves us just two more.
Now Yeoman Dunbar’s here and Capt Mackereth too, but only for the beer which isn’t really true.
That’s the Officers listed and the senior NCOs, the OC’s now insisted I write the rest in prose.
More about ourselves
The Signals element of 3 Infantry Brigade H.Q. & Signal Squadron met and formed in Bulford, under the watchful eye of our ‘Midwife,' 3rd Div. H.Q. & Signal Regiment, from 27th September, 1971. On 22nd October, 1971, we moved to Shoeburyness, preferring the seaside to the wastes of Salisbury Plain, and on 25th October, 1971, the Brigade staff started arriving.
Our thanks to 3 Division who found nothing too difficult and without whom we would have had a very difficult 'birth.' Thanks also to all the others who have helped us and made us so welcome here in Shoeburyness.
Our main employment is at present I.S. training and bangs, bombs and booby traps are a common occurrence in Horseshoe Barracks. We have been ambushed by day and by night, cordoned and searched all over the camp, and even strayed, by accident, outside the gates on a road block and vehicle search exercise. Grandmas driving along the front were somewhat surprised at being stopped and searched, but the locals were very friendly and helpful and joined in with spirit. Explaining to the press, who thought it was a great story, needed some careful wording but we passed them to the P.R. Officer with great dexterity.
More about ourselves
The Signals element of 3 Infantry Brigade H.Q. & Signal Squadron met and formed in Bulford, under the watchful eye of our ‘Midwife,' 3rd Div. H.Q. & Signal Regiment, from 27th September, 1971. On 22nd October, 1971, we moved to Shoeburyness, preferring the seaside to the wastes of Salisbury Plain, and on 25th October, 1971, the Brigade staff started arriving.
Our thanks to 3 Division who found nothing too difficult and without whom we would have had a very difficult 'birth.' Thanks also to all the others who have helped us and made us so welcome here in Shoeburyness.
Our main employment is at present I.S. training and bangs, bombs and booby traps are a common occurrence in Horseshoe Barracks. We have been ambushed by day and by night, cordoned and searched all over the camp, and even strayed, by accident, outside the gates on a road block and vehicle search exercise. Grandmas driving along the front were somewhat surprised at being stopped and searched, but the locals were very friendly and helpful and joined in with spirit. Explaining to the press, who thought it was a great story, needed some careful wording but we passed them to the P.R. Officer with great dexterity.
Physical fitness, from battle runs to muscle bending, is high on the programme. We even have P.T. Instructors from the Military Corrective Training Centre, Colchester, who look after us with loving care.
Now that we are settling in and getting to know each other, Squadron teams are emerging and many sports are being pursued. We hope to bring you more news next month of these activities as we shall have advanced beyond the camp perimeter to take on all comers. At home we have played Southend Transport eleven, whom we beat 11-1, and have also beaten the Proof and Experimental Establishment with whom we share the barracks, so we are now convinced we will soon be well known in the Corps.
Stop press:And now a dreadful shout and wail of anguish hounds me, there’s one that I’ve left out, It’s new boy Sergeant Downie.
Now that we are settling in and getting to know each other, Squadron teams are emerging and many sports are being pursued. We hope to bring you more news next month of these activities as we shall have advanced beyond the camp perimeter to take on all comers. At home we have played Southend Transport eleven, whom we beat 11-1, and have also beaten the Proof and Experimental Establishment with whom we share the barracks, so we are now convinced we will soon be well known in the Corps.
Stop press:And now a dreadful shout and wail of anguish hounds me, there’s one that I’ve left out, It’s new boy Sergeant Downie.
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