Monday, 4 January 2010

Royal Signals 'Wire' magazine Dec 72-Jan 73

Exercise ‘Manx Meander’
It was a pleasant change being 'on exercise' rather than on operations, for the two crews who sailed Kavala to the Isle of Man and back. Kavala is a sturdy Cutlass class cruiser based on Strangford Lough. A mist dawn saw skipper Major Ryding and his crew of Sergeant Fozard (Int Corps), Corporal Williams, Lance-Corporal Cormack and Lance-Corporal Wilks (RPC) sailing out of the dangerous and narrow mouth of Strangford Lough, heading for Port St. Mary, IOM. This crew firmly maintain that the Mountains of Mourne can be seen all the way across the Irish Sea to the IOM; this was firmly disputed at a later date by the second crew. After a couple of good days' sailing, during which Lance-Corporal Wilks was the subject of an authentic 'man overboard drill,' and doing very well in local races, it was time to hand over to the second crew, who had flown out in a chartered Piper twin-engined aircraft. The handover was finished over a couple of beers in the local hostelry, the first crew flew home to the 'Factory,' whilst the second crew, Lieutenant Galpin, Staff Sergeant Wade, Corporal Verner and Signalmen Daly and Egan, went aboard and had a brief shake out sail. Then fol­lowed two days of sunshine and gentle winds during the day with near gales at night. The day of departure dawned – just, through thick coastal fog. There was not a breach of wind and a steady two knots was maintained on the engine across a glassy Irish Sea for 13.5 hours, to bring Kavala into Ardglass, five hours overdue. The whole 'exercise' was much enjoyed by both crews and a trip next year up the Caledonian Canal is being planned already.

Seven peaks competition
This was a gruelling 'walkabout' in the Mountains of Mourne, involving an inter-unit race over seven never-ending peaks. The race was the brain-wave of the Deputy Commander Colonel J. G. Starling, M.B.E., M.C. (late Para), and run by the Squadron's Tactical Headquarter detachment. Each team consisted of eight men, including an Officer and SNCO. The Squadron team was Lieutenant Galpin, Sergeant McGarry, Corporal Dale (RAOC), Corporal Brett, Lance-Corporal Wynne (RAOC), Signalman Kirkpatrick, Craftsman Cook (REME) and Private Coulthard (RPC). They finally finished sixth having lost their officer with knee trouble on Peak Five. The control station and finish line were organised by Captain Mackereth, W.O.2 (R.Q.M.S.) Tuppeny, with Signalmen Howells, McLuckie, Seaton and Robinson providing the excellent com­munications. Captain McCulloch with Signalmen Dukelow and Hall controlled the start of the race.

Sports Desk
The badminton team soundly defeated a Headquarters Northern Ireland team in August. Spies are now out looking for stiffer competition.

The basketball team also seem to battle their way through a few teams, having thrashed our neighbours 233 Sig Sqn 43-22 a couple of weeks ago.

Congratulations to Corporal Brett and Corporal Crosbie (REME) on winning medals representing the Army against the RUC in a recent athletics meeting.

Sergeants’ Mess
In spite of continual IRA activities the social calendar is beginning to fill up. One notable occasion was a Supper Club Night, fine results of hard scullery labour put in by Sergeants Murray and Blay (ACC) and their slave driver Staff Sergeant Wilkinson.

On 14th September, the Squadron Officers were invited in for light refreshments, to assist the Mess in saying farewell to W.O.2 (MTO) Walton. The 'Big Man' was leaving to take up post as RSM in the Signals Wing, RMA Sandhurst. The Mess congratulates him on his promotion and wishes him all the best in his new job. The vacant hot seat on wheels is taken by W.O.2 (ex-R.Q.M.S.) Waugh, who has disap­peared on a course, muttering something about minis…

Stop Press
It is rumoured that radio operators in the Brigade Ops Room have been growing mushrooms under the duty watchkeeper's desk.

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